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November 1st, 2009 — Uncategorized

Last night was a blast. We were pleased as punch to be a part of the Skylark’s annual Halloween Battle of the Bands, and we closed out the night to an incredibly enthusiastic and packed house. Though we didn’t win the coveted Golden Cowbell, we did have a fantastic reception from the crowd, who danced, shouted, and told us afterward that we were “amazing!” The grand prize went to another Seattle band, M Bison, who played as The Band. They rocked, and we bear them no ill will. None whatsoever. No, it’s totally cool!
All the acts were great, and we’re looking forward to putting our hat into the ring next year. Stay tuned!
In case you don’t know by now, 1) shame on you, and 2) the Skylark is a great venue, has no cover charge, and books great acts. Their food is delicious and plentiful, and they have ample parking. We played our first gig there, and we love it!!
October 30th, 2009 — Uncategorized
You know the drill. Skylark Cafe, Halloween, 8 PM. It’s free, it’s a lovely venue, and all your friends and secret crushes will be there. If you don’t go, you won’t be able to say you went. Everyone will know. Everyone.
Come in costume and cheer us on as we vie for the priceless Golden Cowbell!
And when I say “Devo,” I mean “Mountain Kids Fantasy, along with good friends and musicians Ken Harder and Tony Trunzo.” They’re ridiculously good at what they do, and tomorrow night, they’ll be doing it on stage!
And follow me (Malkah) on Twitter if you want to hear more of this sort of thing: mocoddle. Or the band, who post less frequently, but plan to ramp things up for your betterment: mtnkidsfantasy (Band-Twitter postscript tacked on by Greg…but you should still follow Malkah, as she is witty and stuff.)

October 26th, 2009 — Uncategorized

Caplin ROUS reading his book, Celeste and the Giant Hamster
It’s no secret that Mountain Kids Fantasy (MKF) loves animals, and that the capybara is perhaps the best animal of all. What you may not know is that animals love MKF! In a recent interview on www.kittysneezes.com, capy-celebrity Caplin ROUS names Mountain Kids Fantasy as his favorite band! Not only was this a wonderful surprise and a heartwarming moment, it also signals a new trend in the music industry.
Pets are the perfect consumers. They have no rent or mortgage to pay, they don’t own cars, and they don’t have to support their own offspring. In short, all their income is spent on entertainment, which means that MKF is a step ahead of the game in courting their affections.
More bands should think about mining this rich territory. There are millions of cats, dogs, and birds, to name but a few, on the interwebs. They listen to music as much as the next person. Write songs about them, or at least feature them in your liner notes.
I, for one, welcome our new rodent audience.