Here, finally, is some video of our exciting adventure portraying DEVO on Halloween! Below is the whole set in two videos (?), starting with a sloppy version of “Sloppy” and a rockin’ version of “Freedom of Choice”. 2nd video features fast and furious versions of “Gates of Steel” and “Uncontrollable Urge”. Enjoy!
I was in a DEVO group for the air band contest in high school.
Awesome, you four. Great performance Malkah!
YEA! Finally, some of this day & age young musicians paying some tribute to a band from my day, DEVO. This puts a smile on my face, because not everyone cared for DEVO’s sound & style. I’d say that the majority of people only remember DEVO for their set-apart-from-the-rest outward appearance and their song, “Whip It”. Oh well. I was litening to DEVO even before I became a teenager & I still am.
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